We hear mostly of Ficus bonsai here in the South. But who has heard of Lantana or Calliandra being used as bonsai material ? These are not rare or unusual plants, surprisingly. Lantana is seen everywhere, growing wild in fields and also neatly kept in garden pots. The little orange, pink or white flowers blooming in profusion make a pretty picture, if you can tolerate the prickly leaves and stems. Calliandra or the 'powderpuff tree' also grows in our gardens, and is a shrub or small tree with feathery pink flowers .( For details on these species, please visit
http://www.flowersofindia.in/ , a most informative site and a fantastic venture by Ms Girija and her team. )
This is a beautiful Lantana bonsai pictured on a commercial bonsai site
Here is a picture of a Calliandra bonsai , from Amazon.com