Monday, 5 December 2011

Bonsai need constant care. Most bonsai growers I know here in South India keep their bonsai on a  rooftop terrace to catch the maximum sunlight. Fertilizing fortnightly seems satisfactory for my bonsai ( they are all very young!) . I also pinch some of the shoots which get too long, especially the bougainvillea and the casuarina , which I want to look bushy, and not sparse as they do if left to grow naturally.

Friday, 2 December 2011

These images are from a visit to Veegaland, a water theme park near Ernakulam. These trees are not bonsai of course, but topiary. The root over rock formation is, however, reminiscent of bonsai techniques . One could imagine them tiny and in a pot, maybe individually rather than grouped. Amazing, aren't they?
So, my bonsai are coming along reasonably. I say reasonably, because a Carmona microphylla suddenly , inexplicably, died.  The blackened branches still protrude from the pot rather sadly. I mourned it for a few days, then decided to instead concentrate my energies on keeping the others alive.  I also acquired some new cuttings , mostly from other people's gardens .

Ficus microcarpa, Tigerbark variant
One of my bonsai in training: