Tuesday, 16 August 2011

Bonsai from anything , really

I read in the newspaper about a gentleman who grows  medicinal plants in bonsai form . He thought of it when he realised that these plants are gradually disappearing from our gardens, where once they were commonplace. The older generation would regularly use these plants as household remedies for common ailments, but most of us cannot even recognise the plants , let alone identify their uses !  Interesting that he chose to 'bonsai-fy' them, though .


  1. Hi Deepa... Good to see ur blog. I also found out about the kerala bonsai association after reading your post.I'd also love to join.I'll be sending a mail today itself.

    Looking forward to read ur posts.

  2. Thanks Anisha . I have been a bit tardy in posting, also haven't attended any meetings lately because of other commitments . I'm glad to know more people are interested in Bonsai.
